guide for students



An incoming exchange student can be defined as a person enrolled at a higher education institution abroad and doing limited study at the University of Sarajevo (in the framework of ongoing studies at the home institution). If you want to come to the University of Sarajevo, check with your home university (International Relations Office or Erasmus+ office) for the availability to apply for international mobility. What is needed for the exchange:

  • valid exchange agreement between your home institution and the University of Sarajevo,
  • your home university has nominated you,
  • sending required application documents,
  • finding suitable study program(s),
  • confirmed mobility by the host (UNSA).

How to apply?

Four steps are needed to be followed:

  1. Nomination by the home coordinator
  2. Application with documents
  3. Evaluation
  4. Results

1 Nomination

It would be best to officially be nominated and supported by your home institution. Nomination is an activity done through email communication from your home coordinator, who confirms that the student was selected and supported by their home institution to carry out a study period at the University of Sarajevo. The candidate can previously contact the host institution (UNSA) for inquiries about the program and options. Still, mobility will not be accepted, or any study proposal confirmed without official nominations and the home institution’s confirmation about student status. The nomination must include:

  • Candidate’s data (name, surname, gender, study field, study cycle, email, and chosen study program at UNSA)

Nomination deadlines:

  • Winter semester (October-February):
  • If a visa to enter Bosnia and Herzegovina is required: 15 April
  • If a visa to enter Bosnia and Herzegovina is not required: 15 May
  • Summer semester (February-July):
  • If a visa to enter Bosnia and Herzegovina is required: 15 October
  • If a visa to enter Bosnia and Herzegovina is not required: 15 November

Please note that late applications will not be considered!

2 Application with documents

Once nominated by your home coordinator, the candidate will be asked to prepare and send an Application form – which gives us the first insight into the candidate’s profile, interest and study proposal. UNSA offers 12 study programmes in English and over 300 modules taught mainly in English or other languages. When choosing subjects, we recommend sticking to one UNSA unit. Please note that the courses on this website are offered to international students. The application form must be sent to us (by the student) before the given deadlines (below).

Application deadlines:

  • Winter semester (October-February):
  • If a visa to enter Bosnia and Herzegovina is needed: 30 April
  • If a visa to enter Bosnia and Herzegovina is not required: 30 May
  • Summer semester (February-July):
  • If a visa to enter Bosnia and Herzegovina is needed: 30 October
  • If a visa to enter Bosnia and Herzegovina is not required: 30 November

The application form should be sent to the following emails: 



The UNSA host coordinators will evaluate your application form. The host coordinators are academic coordinators (vice-deans) from the UNSA’s unit to wish to attend. Your nomination can be accepted, asked to be modified or rejected with explained reasons. Once accepted, you will be asked to prepare the Erasmus+ Learning agreement for studies as the official document about your mobility at the University of Sarajevo. The data entered in the Application form and approved by the host coordinators should be copied/pasted into the learning agreement (with modifications if requested). Following instructions on filling in a learning agreement is essential, as explained in How to prepare the Learning agreement. The prepared learning agreement should be sent to the host coordinator for signing.

Step 4 – Results and confirmation

The nomination, application and confirmation process should not last more than four weeks (depending on how soon you provide us with your Application form ). After that, you will be included in the emailing list for further notification about academic and practical information. More available at:

At the Faculty of Islamic Studies we do not hold any of the subjects in English but we can offer incoming students consultative classes every two weeks, acess to literature and a oral exam at the end of the semester.