Introduction to the Study of Islam

The Lifelong Learning Program “Introduction to the Study of Islam”
The Lifelong Learning Program “Introduction to the Study of Islam” is 72-hour special program for those who want to know more about Islam in general and Islamic culture in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Classes are held via the E-learning platform of the Faculty. Lecturers are mainly from the Faculty of Islamic Studies. The program is intended for a mature English speaking audience who meets the admission requirements. It is designed to provide introductory insight into the knowledge of doctrine, law, history and culture of Islam with special focus on Islam in the Balkans and Bosnia- Herzegovina. This program has been implemented eleven times so far. The Faculty of Islamic Studies will award certificates to participants who successfully complete the program requirements.
This program involves seven modules grouped into two courses, Introduction to Islam and Islam in Bosnia-Herzegovina, covering the following themes: Survey of Islamic History; Introduction to Islamic Creed; Introduction to Qur’an and Sunnah; Law, state and Islam in Bosnia-Herzegovina; Selected Themes from the History of Muslim Bosnia, Women Position in Islam and Gender Equality Perspective; Introduction to Islamic Philosophy. In principle, classes are held in the late afternoon twice a week (most probably Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6 PM) via E-learning platform of the Faculty. The exact schedule may be fine-tuned with the participants on the first day of program. We hereby attach the Application and the Prospectus where you can find more information.
Anyone who is interested in pursuing this diploma program must fill up the Application form and submit it to the Faculty’s reception or send it to the Faculty’s email ( not later than 3:00 pm on Friday, September 22, 2023 (Please make sure that your application reaches the Faculty on time). The application form is available at
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