

An exchange teaching staff can be defined as a person employed at a higher education institution abroad and interested in doing a short/limited period of teaching abroad (in the framework of ongoing work at the home institution).  You can apply to the University of Sarajevo as an exchange staff member if:

  • a valid exchange agreement between your home institution and the University of Sarajevo,
  • your home university has nominated you,
  • sending required application documents,
  • finding appropriate department(s).

How to apply?

Step 1 – Nomination

You must be officially nominated and supported by your home institution. Nomination is an activity done through email communication from your home coordinator, who confirms that the staff member was selected and supported by their home institution to carry out a teaching period at the University of Sarajevo. The nomination must include:

  • candidate’s data (name, surname, gender, teaching field, email)
  • application documents (see below)

Nomination deadlines:

The nomination deadline for staff members can be flexible. It is essential to send the nomination a minimum of three months before planned mobility to provide prior evaluation and conditions for teaching mobility (if accepted). PLEASE NOTE: If the staff member is a holder of the passport that requires a visa to enter Bosnia and Herzegovina, their nomination should be a minimum of six months before the planned mobility, as providing a visa is a long and bureaucratic process.

Step 2 – Required application documents (phase 1)

Once nominated, you will be asked to prepare and send an Application form for incoming staff – which gives us your profile, interest and teaching proposal. This form will be used for evaluation, and based on it, your nomination will be accepted, asked to be modified or rejected with explained reasons. The application form is needed before the given deadlines (above). Please include your CV (biography with the Application form).

Documents need to be sent to the following emails:


and international.cooperation2@fin.unsa.ba

Step 3 – Required application documents (phase 2)

Once accepted, you will be asked to prepare the Erasmus+ Mobility agreement for teaching as an official document about your mobility at the University of Sarajevo. The data entered in the Application form and approved by the academic coordinators should be copied/pasted in the mobility agreement.

The document is sent to the academic coordinator (vice-dean) at the chosen UNSA unit.

Step 4 – Results nad confirmation

The whole process of nomination, application and confirmation should not last more than four weeks (depending on how soon you provide us with your Application form ). After that, you will be informed about further academic and practical information. More available at: https://international.unsa.ba/eng.

Good to know:


The duration of your mobility is usually agreed upon with the host coordinators. If applying through international mobility programs (i.e., Erasmus+, Mevlana, Ceepus, etc.), staff can apply for 5-10 days (excluding travel dates).

When to come?

For teachers and scientific staff, mobility dates are usually flexible and agreed with the host faculty coordinators following the timetable of classes performed at the University of Sarajevo (available teaching periods are only from October to January and from March to June).

Proof of language proficiency:

UNSA presumes that the nominated staff has a high level of knowledge of the English language. It does not require any certification, especially since it is expected that nominated staff members can deliver a presentation, perform teaching, and actively participate in different events at UNSA. Therefore we do not request any proof of knowledge, presuming the home university nominates the staff with excellent command of the English language.